100% of donations go directly to support Boxes for Boots mission.

Operation Cares 2023

“Sponsor A Box”

We’d like to thank everyone who sponsored a box this year. We very much appreciate your generosity. The Sponsorship has ended for Operation Cares 2023. We will look to reactiviate it for futre mailings. Again, thank you!




Your participation makes a significant difference in the lives of military service men and women deployed overseas.

We send care packages filled with daily essentials, which are in short supply in some remote areas. These essentials include toothpaste/brushes, soap, shaving cream, sunscreen, lip balm and more. Snacks such as beef jerky and protein bars help supplement our troops’ rations and flavor packets for water offer these men and women a little variety as they work to stay hydrated.

Because of your generous support, Boxes to Boots is able to help supply these dedicated men and women with these basic necessities and with some valuable “extras” (playing cards and books) that truly brighten their days. 
For some of the recipients, these items are the only connection they have to home. Knowing that we recognize and honor their extraordinary sacrifice can sustain our troops during deployment.

To donate by mail, please send to:

Boxes to Boots

28 Chamberlain Hwy

Berlin, CT 06037